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Annual inspections and maintenance is our ultimate goal for our clients. We designed these programs to benefit you. 


Did you know?

The toilet is the home appliance that uses up the most amount of water, using up to 26 liters per flush.

If you have a leaky faucet that drips twice per minute, you’ll waste over a gallon of water in a week.

Your plumbing system could be impacting your health.

Refer A Neighbor

Image by Derick McKinney

A referral you can't resist. A once a year preventative maintain service for you and your friend! 2 Sewers for the price of one! 


How It Works:

Neighbors must schedule on the same day

Must be within 5 miles from each other

To qualify, must pass camera inspection


Split $550 first time fee, if qualified, pay subsequently $350 annually

Root Program

Good news is coming_edited.jpg

Dig in and get to the root, before the problem... Plan for the future with this package!


What's Included:

1 hydro jet

2 camera inspections

2 root killers (1 date of service, second 6-8 months later)

2 pipe scrapings ( 1 date of service, second 6-8 months later) cleanings


$3,000 plus tax upfront

$3,500 plus tax paid in increments

Social Media Shoutout

Image by Adam Jang

Give the snake you can trust a shoutout on social media! As a thank you, we will offer a promotion on your same order.


20% off promotion

Don't forget to also follow, like, comment and share

Anthony's Any Sewer Any Drain LLC


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